About "A Smile Breaks Through"

For those of us who have lived or are presently living with a mental illness we know that smiling, laughing and being lighthearted just fade out of our lives. Though, it is true many persons are able to "manage" these. I say "manage" because as genuine as those moments are, they are short-lived and infrequent. I am Lilly, I am a Christian who had a 30 year long history of living with depression up to 10 years ago and believe completely that God completed the healing process of my depression. Though I had stayed the course with therapy and medication the depression was always there even during the best years when the symptoms didn't prevent me from living a reasonably productive life.  During my years of battling the illness the one thing that I could consistently do daily was write. Writing was my “smile” that broke through. It was in my journals that I could give voice to the prayers and longings that I couldn't vocalize. It was reflecting on this blessed reality when the idea came to mind to create this blog of "lightheartedness" for those who in spite of the dark days may be seeking and longing for a tender moment. 

Sometimes I will share from my personal experience and at other times the experiences of others. And the style of my blog will be of potpourri---I want to do this authentically. My blog will be quite often on whatever the day brings me. Some days I will bring you---a poem, story, a prayer, a spiritual passage or verse from the Christian or non-Christian Faith Traditions, an inspirational message or a reflection. What I do know is that depression is bad enough on its own without needing any further help from me to downcast your spirit. Your visits here count for me and your time precious so I shall endeavor to make your visit worthwhile. Hopefully and prayerfully you too will share about your smiles that  break through.

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